Driving whilst Suspended or Disqualified

What is Driving whilst Suspended or Disqualified?
Where you are found to be driving whilst suspended or disqualified, you will be charged pursuant to section 54 of the Road Transport Act 2013.
Courts take breaches of suspensions and disqualification periods very seriously. Repeated offending can at times result in a person being sentenced to a jail term.
Or contact us at (02) 8067 8361
Our passionate traffic lawyers have experience representing clients who are found to be found to be Driving whilst Suspended or Disqualified.

When to reach out to a traffic lawyer
It is vital to speak to an expert traffic lawyer for advice and representation, to maximise your chances at getting the best possible result.
Our team of lawyers are available 24/7 to discuss your case.
Or contact us at (02) 8067 8361
What do the police need to prove?
- In order to be found guilty of this offence, the prosecution must prove the following beyond reasonable doubt:
a. You drove a motor vehicle;
b. At the time, your licence was either suspended, disqualified or cancelled.
Can I defend the offence of Driving whilst disqualified or suspended?
Yes. Some available defences are as follows:
- Mistaken identity – it was not you driving;
- Your licence was not suspended, disqualified or cancelled (it was a mistake);
- Honest and reasonable mistake – you honestly didn’t know your licence was suspended or disqualified and it was reasonable for you to have held that belief (ie the main from Service NSW did not reach your address or you do not have access to the mobile app).
- Duress of necessity
Is there any benefit to Pleading Guilty?
You will receive a mandatory 25% discount on sentence in circumstances where you plead guilty at the earliest opportunity.
Feel free to contact our team to arrange a free consultation to discuss how to maximise your chances at avoiding a disqualification and conviction.
What is the maximum penalty?
The maximum penalty for this offence is 6 months imprisonment and/or up to a $3,300 fine.
This does not mean you will receive jail, and is reserved only for the most serious of offences.
Should I engage in the Traffic Offenders Program?
We recommend engaging in an approved Traffic Offenders Program in circumstances where you are pleading guilty.
By engaging in an accredited program, this will significantly improve your chances at avoiding time off the road. Our expert criminal lawyers can guide you on the right course to maximise your chances at the best possible outcome.
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Get started
Contact our office today to arrange a free consultation with one of our lawyers to discuss your upcoming court proceedings.
Or contact us at (02) 8067 8361